Thursday, October 4, 2007

CM Practice

Project Homepage
Discussion Group
SVN Group

Comparing to the WebSpider assignment, this is a relatively easy assignment. I was able to accomplish all three tasks. Although this task is simple, I still encountered some difficulties.

The first problem for me was the authentication of the tortoiseSVN. Thanks to the Prof. Johnson's help, I figured out that it was the HTTPS prefix of the URL screwed me over. When the HTTPS is used, that means an encrypted connection between the browser and website is established. In the HTTP case, the connection is unencrypted, and thus the write access is granted. Although I have heard about this concept before, this is actually the first time I encounter a problem caused by it.

The second problem is the mailing list setting for my project. The PDF file from the class website is unclear and different from what I see in the website, which made me a little confusing. Fortunately with the help from my classmates, I am able to solve the problem. I also commit twice to the SVN to make sure that there is a notification sends out to the mailing list whenever I do a commit. It would be much better that Google can integrate this functionality into its project hosting page.

From this assignment, I learned how to host a project use Google hosting, and I clarify the mechanism of how the SVN works. I had used SVN in a previous class, but there were a lot of troubles because the instructor did not teach us anything about it. Terms like trunk, commit, and configuration really confused me. This time I actually realize the advantages of using SVN, which I believe it will be a great help to my group project in the rest of the semester.

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