Monday, November 5, 2007

Stack Stripes Extension

Source code

This assignment is very straight forward, and I have completed all the tasks. However, there are some obstacles I encountered during the process.

The first problem was the Emma error. It showed error on missing the file on the first time I ran verify test with the fresh code from the downloaded package. However, this error disappears after I try to run the junit test. According to the discussion on the class website, it might be caused by launching the Tomcat server besides the project’s directory. I tried to reproduce the error by launching Tomcat on the root directory, but it did not work somehow.

The second problem was the concurrent exception when I tried to create the action for the Double It button. Since this is a web application, we can only run it over the browser. The error message page was a blast for me when the first time it showed up. I was a little clueless at the beginning because I was expecting some error message in the console from eclipse. Then very soon I notice the error message was showed in the error page like they would in the console. With those messages, I was able to fix my bug very quickly.

There were also many minor problems while I tried to go through all the tasks, such as how to launch Tomcat server in different ways, or create new forms in the JSP page. However, they are very minor and got fixed very fast.

Overall, this assignment is quite easy, which is what it supposes to be. From this assignment, I have gained a rough image how the client-server application should work. Also, I learned many new concepts, such as servlets, JSP, JSTL, etc. This assignment only reflects a tiny portion of the web application, and I believe as the semester go on, I will learn a lot more about it.

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